
Could the attack on the Detroit Flight be staged? [CNN]

CNN Airs Witness Testimony that 'Well Dressed' Indian accomplice helped Abdulmutallab board
without passport and that man on plane filmed entire flight and bombing attempt

Evidence is emerging that clearly indicates Abdulmutallab was able to board only with the help of an unidentified well dressed man seen at the boarding gate.

Kurt Haskell and his wife, who were witnesses on board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 saw Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab at the boarding gate in Amsterdam. Haskell told CNN that the accused bomber appeared strikingly 'poor' next to the well-dressed man he said was obviously wealthy and appeared to be of Indian ethnicity. According to Haskell, that man did the talking for him, explaining to the flight personnel at the gate that Abdulmutallab needed to board without a passport, claiming that he was a Sudanese refugee.

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