
Federal Reserve Bank will Internet überwachen

[MMNews] Ben Bernanke is watching you: Die US-Zentralbank lässt demnächst das gesamte Internet überwachen. Spioniert wird besonders in Blogs, Sozialen Netzwerken und nach Schlüsselfiguren, die sich mit dem Thema „Fed“ beschäftigen.

Federal Reserve to create own Attack Watch program and monitor internet speech
[Examiner] As the alternative media and intenet blog revolution has helped create different ways for the American people to get news that isn't found from traditional sources, establishment entities are now seeking ways to counter these news sources. As of September 25th, the blogosphere can now add the Federal Reserve to the mix of agencies seeking to scour the internet to find any and all reporting on its organization, and address it accordingly. In a new Request for Proposal by the New York Fed Bank, the agency is applying for programs or programmers who can create a system that captures all articles, blogs, and information on the internet regarding the Federal Reserve, analyze it, and create programs to counter negative reporting.

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